What does "牀/床“ mean in Li Bai's "Thoughts on a Silent Night"? Find the answer here. 李白的 ”静夜思” 中, ”牀/床“ 意指的是什么?

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 Marie Sun, Tang Poems - English translation   - Li Bai - Tang Poem calligraphy - 靜夜思 - 李白 
  唐诗与中国篆字书法之美 at  MarieSun.com - Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy.  篆書, 篆刻, 書法.

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What does "牀/床“ mean in Li Bai's "Thoughts on a Silent Night"? Find the answer here. 李白的 ”静夜思” 中, ”牀/床“ 意指的是什么?