web designer: Marie Sun
Price: US $1.99 at US Amazon.com. It covers from poem #01 to #25. |
#01 * | 春晓 Spring Dawn |
#02 * |
黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵 Seeing Meng Haoran off at Yellow Crane Tower |
#03 | 清平调词之 一 Qingping Song (1) |
#04 | 望庐山瀑布 Look Out Over Mount Lu Waterfall |
#05 | 夜宿山寺 Night Lodging in a Mountain Temple |
#06 * | 靜夜思 Thoughts on a Still Night |
#07 * | 月下独酌 Drinking Alone by Moonlight |
#08 | 早发白帝城 Setting out Early from Baidicheng |
#09 | 独坐敬亭山 Sitting Alone at Mt. Jingting |
#10 | 赠汪伦 Present to Wang Lun |
#11 | 春思 Longing in Spring |
#12 | 子夜吴歌 - 秋歌 A Midnight Wu Song for Autumn |
#13 | 春望 Spring Observation |
#14 | 石壕吏 Shihao Official |
#15 | 月夜忆舍弟 Thinking of Young Brothers on a Moonlit Night |
#16 | 絕句 A Quatrain |
#17 | 旅夜书怀 Writings of a Night Lodging |
#18 | 登幽州台歌 Ascending Youzhou Terrace |
#19 * | 回乡偶书 Random Musings on a Homecoming |
#20 * | 出塞 Beyond the Border (Fine grape wine...) |
#21 * | 出塞 Beyond the Border (Qing moon Han gate...) |
#22 | 出塞 Beyond the Border (Yellow River white clouds...) |
#23 * | 登鹳雀楼 Mounting the Stork Tower |
#24 | 黄鹤楼 The Yellow Crane Tower |
#25 * | 枫桥夜泊 Anchored at Night by the Maple Bridge |
The Tang Poems translations on this page may be freely copied for educational or noncommercial positive purposes uses (i.e., no gambling or pornography, etc.) with a reference to "Marie Sun and Alex Sun or at MarieSun.com" ;
other uses must be explicitly authorized.
* Recitation 1:
About the Poets, Poems and Calligraphy:This chapter lists the summary biorgraphy of each poet and the backgroung information or the motivation of the poem being created. A presentation of calligraphy in either zhuanshu/zhuanzi or xingshu style is also listed.孟浩然 Meng Haoran Meng Hao'ran (689 or 691 - 740; lived during the Early and High Tang periods), a famous landscape poet and grandfather of poet Meng Jiao 孟郊. More than 10 years Li Bai's senior and also Li Bai's idol. Li Bai wrote many poems in admiration of Meng, among which are two famous ones -- "Presentation to Meng Haoran", and "Seeing Men Haoran off at Yellow Crane Tower". The latter is included in this book. Meng Haoran, as a prominent landscape poet, had a major influence on poetry in the Early Tang era. This influence also extended into neighboring Asian countries, especially Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. #01 -- 春晓 Spring Dawn Meng used plain and simple words to describe a spring morning scene. His poems are often filled with charming descriptions of nature. Most of his landscape poems reflect beings and objects coexisting in natural harmony. This was a reflection of his own life and pursuits - to live in the world without harming it or attempting to "conquer" it. But, rather, to preserve it as it was, and to be part of it and enjoy it. |
Price: US $1.99 at US Amazon.com. It covers from poem #26 to #50. |
#26 * | 相思 Deep Yearning |
#27 | 九月九日忆山东兄弟 Homesick for My Brothers on September 9 |
#28 | 鹿柴 Deer Enclosure |
#29 | 送別 Send Off |
#30 | 渭城曲 Song of Weicheng |
#31 * | 哥舒歌 Geshu Song |
#32 | 塞下曲 (四首之二) Borderland Song (#2 of 4) (Tiger in dark woods...) |
#33 * | 塞下曲 (四首之三) Borderland Song (#3 of 4) (Chase in snow...) |
#34 | 忆江南 (一) Jiang Nan Nostalgia(1) |
#35 * | 草 (赋得古原草送别) Grass |
#36 * | 乌衣巷 Black Clothes Alley |
#37 | 江雪 River Snow |
#38 * | 悯农 (一) Sympathy for Farmers (1) |
#39 | 悯农 (二) Sympathy for Farmers (2) |
#40 * | 游子吟 Chant of the Itinerant Son |
#41 | 寻隐者不遇 A Visit in Vain to the Recluse |
#42 | 剑客 Swordsman |
#43 | 夜上受降城闻笛 Hearing a Flute at Night up on Shouxiang Beacon Tower |
#44 | 江南曲 A Song of the Southern River |
#45 | 春怨 A Spring Sign |
#46 | 金缕衣 Golden Brocade Dresses |
#47 | 清明 Qing Ming |
#48 * | 泊秦淮 Mooring on the Qinhuai River |
#49 | 锦瑟 Jinse |
#50 | 登乐游原 Ascending the Field of Diversions |
v2 #26 | 相思 王维
红豆生南国, |
Deep Yearning Wang Wei The red beans grow in the southern lands; Each spring their branches spread anew. Please gather as much as you wish, my lord, These incarnations of yearning love most true. (Marie Sun & Alex Sun at www.MarieSun.com) |
v2 #31 | 哥舒歌 西鄙人 北斗七星高, 哥舒夜帶刀。 至今窺牧馬, 不敢過臨洮。 Recitation 1 Recitation 2 |
>Geshu Song Xi Biren The Big Dipper dangling on high, With sabre, Geshu patrols the night. Till now, they've preyed upon pasture horses, But, dare not cross Lingtao to fight. (Marie Sun & Alex Sun at www.MarieSun.com) |
v2 #33 | 塞下曲 (四首之三) 卢纶
月黑雁飞高, |
Borderland Song (#3 of 4) Lu Lun A black, moonless sky, the wild geese fly high, The chieftain of the Huns at night in flight. Ready to dispatch a light cavalry to chase, Heavy snow muffles the bow and broadsword's might. (Marie Sun & Alex Sun at www.MarieSun.com) |
v2 #35 | 草 白居易
离离原上草, |
Grass Bai Juyi
Grasses spread over the vast prairie, withering and returning each year. Wildfires cannot wipe them out; A gentle Spring breeze And again they sprout. Their far away fragrant verdure Invades the ancient routes; Under cloudless skies Their green entwines ruins. My dear friend, I'm seeing you off again, And even the lush foliages Feel the parting pain. (Marie Sun & Alex Sun at www.MarieSun.com) |
v2 #36 | 乌衣巷 刘禹锡
朱雀桥边野草花, |
Black Clothes Alley Liu Yuxi Weeds and wildflowers spread by Vermilion Sparrow Bridge; Setting sunlight slants down Black Clothes Alley's entrance. Sparrows in olden days at courtyards of Wang and Xie mansions, Now flitter into ordinary people's humble houses. (Marie Sun & Alex Sun at www.MarieSun.com) |
v2 #38 | 悯农 (一) 李绅
春种一粒粟, |
Sympathize with Farmers (1) Li Shen A grain of millet sown in the spring, Leads to a harvest bounty by the fall. Under the sky, no idle fields lie, Yet peasants succumb to starvation's pall. (Marie Sun & Alex Sun at www.MarieSun.com) |
v2 #40 | 游子吟 孟 郊
慈 母 手 中 线, |
Chant of the Itinerant Son Meng Jiao A loving mother with thread in hand, Clothing draped over her traveling son, Densely stitching till the very end, With worries of a late and far off return. How can the tender grass ever repay The nurturing warmth of the spring sun? (Marie Sun & Alex Sun at www.MarieSun.com) |
v2 #48 | 泊秦淮 杜牧
烟笼寒水月笼沙, |
Mooring on the Qinhuai River Du Mu Mist shrouds the icy water; Moonlight shrouds the sand, On Chinhuai I anchor at night, A wine-house close at hand. Courtesans oblivious to a defeated country's sorrow, Across the river, Still sing "Courtyard Flowers". (Marie Sun & Alex Sun at www.MarieSun.com) |
calligraphy in zhuanshu/zhuanzi 篆书/篆字 style
#01 D |
#03 D |
#04 D |
#017 D |
#019 D |
#20 D |
#21 D |
#26 D |
#28 D |
#31 D |
#38 D |
#43 D |
#01 |
#06 |
#08 |
#17 |
#19 |
#20 |
#23 |
#25 |
#02 |
#26 |
#28 |
#31 |
#38 |
#40 |
#43 |
#01 |
#22 |
#20 |
#07 |
#14 |
#19 |
#29 |
#39 |
#41 |
key Locations |
The An Lushan Invasion of Chang'an
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