唐诗 英译,  篆字书法 孙罗玛琍 孙国强 (母与子) Tang Poems English Translation, zhuanzi calligraphy by Marie Sun and Alex Sun (mother and son) at MarieSun.com 
	         Trump’s granddaughter, Arabella wins Chinese hearts by reciting Chinese Tang Poems. 
             特朗普外孙女 - 阿拉贝拉 会背诵 唐诗 还会背诵 三字经 及唱中国歌. Tang Poem calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, shudo, shufa,
	         Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường
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Extracted from:
A. 25 Tang Poems (volume 1)         B. 25 Tang Poems (volume 2)        

A. 25 Tang Poems (volume 1 )

唐诗英译,  篆字书法 孙罗玛琍 孙国强 (母与子) Tang Poems - English Translation, bilingual edition, zhuanzi calligraphy by Marie Sun and Alex Sun (mother and son) at MarieSun.com
Price: US $1.99 at US Amazon.com.

It covers from poem #01 to #25.

Note: * --- available for viewing

.       (omitted here)
孟浩然 Meng Haoran
#01 * 春晓   Spring Dawn

李白 Li Bai
#02 * 黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵
Seeing Meng Haoran off at Yellow Crane Tower
#03 清平调词之 一   Qingping Song (1)
#04 望庐山瀑布   Look Out Over Mount Lu Waterfall
#05 夜宿山寺   Night Lodging in a Mountain Temple
#06 * 靜夜思   Thoughts on a Still Night
#07 * 月下独酌   Drinking Alone by Moonlight
#08 早发白帝城   Setting out Early from Baidicheng
#09 独坐敬亭山   Sitting Alone at Mt. Jingting
#10 赠汪伦   Present to Wang Lun
#11 春思   Longing in Spring
#12 子夜吴歌 - 秋歌   A Midnight Wu Song for Autumn

杜甫 Du Fu
#13 春望   Spring Observation
#14 石壕吏   Shihao Official
#15 月夜忆舍弟   Thinking of Young Brothers on a Moonlit Night
#16 絕句   A Quatrain
#17 旅夜书怀   Writings of a Night Lodging

陈子昂 Chen Ziyang
#18 登幽州台歌   Ascending Youzhou Terrace

贺知章 'He Zhizhang
#19 * 回乡偶书   Random Musings on a Homecoming

王翰 Wang Han
#20 * 出塞   Beyond the Border (Fine grape wine...)

王昌龄 Wang Changling
#21 * 出塞   Beyond the Border (Qing moon Han gate...)

王之涣 Wang Zhihuan
#22 出塞   Beyond the Border (Yellow River white clouds...)
#23 * 登鹳雀楼   Mounting the Stork Tower

崔颢 Cui Hao
#24 黄鹤楼   The Yellow Crane Tower

张继 Zhang Ji
#25 * 枫桥夜泊   Anchored at Night by the Maple Bridge

  The Tang Poems translations on this page may be freely copied for educational or noncommercial positive purposes uses (i.e., no gambling or pornography, etc.) with a reference to "Marie Sun and Alex Sun or at MarieSun.com" ; other uses must be explicitly authorized.
Vol. #
Poem #
Tang Poems English Translation
v1 #01 春晓     孟浩然


* Recitation 1

  Recitation 2

Spring Dawn       Meng Haoren     

Indolent sleeping in spring,
I'm unaware morning's here.
Clearly I can hear,
Birds' twittering everywhere.
With last night's gust of wind and rain,
I'm wondering -
How many flowers
Have fallen and scattered.

(Marie Sun & Alex Sun at www.MarieSun.com)

* Recitation 1:

v1 #02 黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵       李白


Recitation 1

Recitation 2

Seeing off Meng Haoran for Guangling at Yellow Crane Tower         Li Bai

My old friend departs the west at Yellow Crane Tower,
On a journey to Yangzhou among March blossom flowers.
His lonely sail receding against the distant blue sky,
All I see but the endless Yangtze River rolling by.

(Marie Sun & Alex Sun at www.MarieSun.com)
v1 #06 静夜思         李白


Recitation 1

Recitation 2

Thoughts on a Still Night         Li Bai

Before the well lays the bright moonlight,
As if frost blanketing the earth.
My head tilts upwards at the glowing moon;
My head lowers with thoughts of home.

Why is the character "床" (sleeping bed, the structure of ...) translated as "well" in the poem?

(Marie Sun & Alex Sun at www.MarieSun.com)
v1 #07 月下独酌       李白


Recitation 1

Recitation 2

Drinking Alone by Moonlight         Li Bai

A jug of wine amidst the flowers,
I drink alone with no soul around.
I raise my wine cup to the moon and invite her down;
Now we are three with my shadow.
The moon, she does not drink,
And my shadow follows my every move.
But for the moment,
The moon is my partner and I hang with my shadow.
To enjoy life is to take advantage of youth.
I sing, the moon hovers all around;
I dance, the shadow follows in a messy stumble.
Lucid, we enjoy each other knowingly;
In drunken sleep, we go our separate ways.
Bound to forever travel carefree,
We shall meet again in cosmic paradise.

(Marie Sun & Alex Sun at www.MarieSun.com)
v1 #19 回乡偶书         贺知章


Recitation 1

Recitation 2

Random Musings on a Homecoming         Hè Zhizhang

I left home a young buck and returned an old man.
My accent's the same,
But sideburns silver have run.
They greet me, the children,
But know not who I am.
Smiling they ask me, "you come to us,
Dear sir, from which faraway land?"

(Marie Sun & Alex Sun at www.MarieSun.com)
v1 #20 出塞         王翰


Recitation 1

Recitation 2

Beyond the border         Wang Han

A fine grape wine,
A luminous jade cup,
A lust to drink,
A lute calls to saddle up!
Lying drunk on the battle fields,
My lord, laugh not,
Since days of yore, from battle,
How many have come back?

(Marie Sun & Alex Sun at www.MarieSun.com)
v1 #21 出塞         王昌龄


Recitation 1

Recitation 2

Beyond the Border         Wang Changling

The brilliant moon in the times of Qin,
The frontier fortresses in the times of Han,
A war expedition of a myriad miles,
With no one yet returned to the homeland.
If but the Flying General of the Dragon Fortress were still alive,
No barbarian cavalry would dare cross Yinshan.

(Marie Sun & Alex Sun at www.MarieSun.com)
v1 #23 登鹳雀楼       王之涣


Recitation 1

Recitation 2

Climbing Stork Tower         Wang Zhihuan

The white sun leans against the mountain;
The Yellow River flows to the seashore.
Yearning to view another thousand miles?
Ascend yet just another floor!

(Marie Sun & Alex Sun at www.MarieSun.com)
v1 #25 枫桥夜泊         张继


Recitation 1

Recitation 2

A Night-Mooring at Maple Bridge         Zhang Ji

The moon is setting,
Crows are cawing,
Frost fills the sky.
Riverside maples,
Glowing fishing light,
A sleepless, anxious night.
Beyond the Gusu wall,
From Cold Mountain Temple,
The toll of the bell
Reaches the passenger boat
At midnight!

(Marie Sun & Alex Sun at www.MarieSun.com)

About the Poets, Poems and Calligraphy:

This chapter lists the summary biorgraphy of each poet and the backgroung information or the motivation of the poem being created. A presentation of calligraphy in either zhuanshu/zhuanzi or xingshu style is also listed.

孟浩然   Meng Haoran

Meng Hao'ran (689 or 691 - 740; lived during the Early and High Tang periods), a famous landscape poet and grandfather of poet Meng Jiao 孟郊.

More than 10 years Li Bai's senior and also Li Bai's idol. Li Bai wrote many poems in admiration of Meng, among which are two famous ones -- "Presentation to Meng Haoran", and "Seeing Men Haoran off at Yellow Crane Tower". The latter is included in this book.

Meng Haoran, as a prominent landscape poet, had a major influence on poetry in the Early Tang era. This influence also extended into neighboring Asian countries, especially Japan, Korea, and Vietnam.

#01 -- 春晓   Spring Dawn

Meng used plain and simple words to describe a spring morning scene. His poems are often filled with charming descriptions of nature. Most of his landscape poems reflect beings and objects coexisting in natural harmony. This was a reflection of his own life and pursuits - to live in the world without harming it or attempting to "conquer" it. But, rather, to preserve it as it was, and to be part of it and enjoy it.

calligraphy in zhuanshu/zhuanzi 篆书/篆字 style

Tang poems - English Translation, Spring Dawn calligraphy, poet Meng Haoren 
			 孟浩然 春晓 春眠不觉晓 处处闻啼鸟 夜来风雨声 花落知多少; 春晓书法 at mariesun.com

Tang poems Maple Bridge calligraphy, poet Meng Haoren 孟浩然 春晓 春眠不觉晓 处处闻啼鸟 
			 夜来风雨声 花落知多少, 枫桥夜泊书法 at mariesun.com,  The Beauty of Tang Poems and Chinese Calligraphy 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美

李白   Li Bai

Li Bai (701 - 762; lived mostly in the High Tang period and only a few years into the beginning of Mid Tang period), the most famous romantic poet in Chinese history, penned numerous masterpieces that are still memorized and chanted by Chinese of all ages today.

Li Bai's ancestors were from Longxi, Chengji 陇西, 成纪, in present-day northern Qinan county, Gansu Province 秦安县北, 甘肃省. They were banished to Tiaozhi 条枝 in the Western Regions 西域, today's Central Asia, during the Sui Dynasty by the Sui ruler.

As for Li Bai's birth place, according to Guo Moruo 郭沫若, a historian and ancient writing scholar, Li Bai's ancestors moved from Tiaozhi to a prosperous silk trading city Suiye 碎叶, in Central Asia, and Li Bai was born over there. It was also known as Suyab, once a flourishing trading city on the Silk Road and now an archaeological site in modern day Ak-Beshim, Kyrgyzstan.

Li Bai's father, Li Ke 李客, was probably a very successful merchant, since the family was installed in one of the thriving commercial centers of the empire. In 705, Li's father moved the family back to China and settled down in Jiangyou, Sichuan Province 江油, 四川省. Li Bai's place of birth, his tall girth, and his angular facial features, suggested that he was possibly of mixed race. It was said that he was conversant in at least one foreign language due to his background and upbringing.

Speculated birthplace of Li Bai- Suiye (the blue drop shape) and his second "hometown" - Jiangyou, Sichuan Province 江油, 四川省 (the green drop shape):
Find the place that Li Bai was born:
(Source: Google map - click here to expand.)

In the summer of 742, Emperor Tang Ming Huang, who had caught wind of Li Bai's reputation, summoned him to the the capital Chang'an for an audience.

Emperor Tang Ming Huang, an expert on military strategy who also excelled at literature, greeted Li Bai at the Grand Palace in person. During the banquet, Li's personality, wit, and political views fascinated Tang Ming Huang. The emperor even personally seasoned the soup for Li Bai.

The next year, Li Bai was assigned a Hanlin 翰林 position at the Hanlin Academy 翰林学院 within the imperial court and appointed the state Grand Secretary. As a result of the emperor's favor, Li was never required to take the imperial examination (see Tang Poems volume 1) to attain the title of jinshi, a usual prerequisite for selection and assignment to a Hanlin position. Indeed, Li Bai never attempted to take the imperial examination at all. It was rumored that this was because his ancestors had been banished to Central Asia for some kind of crime. The norm at the time was that offspring of criminals were automatically disqualified from taking the exam, but his ancestors were banished in the Sui Dynasty (581 - 618) and the Sui was overthrown by the Tang in 618, some 80 years before Li Bai was born!

Being from a merchant family also would have disqualified him from taking the imperial examination, though. This policy was adopted most likely to prevent collusion between government employees and businessmen. But in reality, this policy was never consistently implemented. Highly wealthy merchants could always circumvent the rules and secure important government positions. One such example was Wu Shiyue 武士彠, a successful lumber businessman with good connections to the Tang royal family, who secured several important government positions early during the dynasty and indirectly helped his daughter - Wu Zetian 武则天 “usurp” the throne (There is an entire chapter devoted to Wu Zetian -- another Tang poetry promoter and grandmother of Tang Ming Huang -- in "Tang Poems" volume 2.) This regulation was eventually repealed by the following Song (Sung) Dynasty 宋朝, and almost all classes of males (and only males) were thereafter permitted to take the exam. In any event, during Li Bai's lifetime he often broke from convention and followed his own path.

In the beginning, Li led a fairly pleasant life at court. The famous verse "Guifei grinding ink, Lishi pulling off boots" "贵妃磨墨, 力士脱靴" describes this period. It depicts Yang Guifei 楊貴妃, Tang Ming Huang's most adored consort, grinding Chinese black inksticks into ink for Li to pen down a poem, while Gao Lishi 高力士, Tang Ming Huang's favorite eunuch 宦官, (and the most politically powerful figure in the palace), assists in pulling off Li's snow stained boots under Tang Ming Huang's request. All to facilitate Li’s comfort and creative genius. It was also suggested that whenever Li Bai published a new poem, there would be a run on paper in Chang'an, sending the price soaring, with everyone rushing out to obtain copies of his new work.

Li's main duty was to handle secretarial works and record tasks for Tang Ming Huang, which included accompanying Tang Ming Huang to important ceremonies and festivities and documenting them. Tang Ming Huang probably intended that through Li's exquisite writing, the records of his reign would be of particular interest to future historians and scholars.

After working for nearly two years at the imperial court, the incompatibility of Li's personality with court life began to take its toll, as Li was never one to be bound or driven by secular rules. Detesting the political machinations, Li Bai doubted if it was in his best interest to remain at the court. Hence his poems began to reflect his desire to leave his bureaucratic mission.

Recognizing that Li Bai was unwilling to continue serving in the court, Tang Ming Huang released him with a handsome severance in the spring of 744. After a series of farewell parties, Li Bai said goodbye to the royal court - the center of world power and influence that he had once obsessed about.

Leaving Chang'an and the setting sun behind him in a relaxed and light mood on his way home, he traveled to and toured Luoyang 洛阳, which had been the capital for more than six dynasties in China's history before Li Bai's time. Thus, by the Tang dynasty, it was already a famous historical cultural city and peony cultivation center. The poet Du Fu happened to be traveling in the area at that time, too, and so two of the greatest poets in Chinese history met for the first time. Li was 11 years Du's senior and was already an illustrious star poet. Du, on the other hand, had not yet garnered any fame for himself, and indeed, would not do so in his lifetime. Du, being younger than Li, exhibited the forthrightness, sincerity, and zeal in composing poems that Li had had in his earlier days. All these characteristics drew the two together and helped them form a solid friendship right way that lasted their entire lives.

Li Bai lived most of his life during the High Tang period, so his writings often reflected the grandeur of the Tang Dynasty at the peak of its prosperity. He had a brilliant mind and exceptional talent, mastering all the Tang poetry forms, and could move from one form to another effortlessly. As a leading figure in the romantic poetry movement, his poems were passionate and unrestrained in spirit. Du Fu once praised Li Bai's poems with the following couplet from his "Mailing to Li Bai Twenty Rhymes" "寄李太白二十韵" -- "When the pen descends, the thunderstorm startles; When the poem is completed, the spirits weep!" "笔落惊风雨,诗成泣鬼神". In his "Thinking of Li Bai on a Spring Day" "春日忆李白", he also asserted that "Bai's poems are without rivals, gracefully floating alone and high above the flock" "白也诗无敌,飘然思不群."

Li Bai's poems can be easily read, understood and moved by people of all levels of education. That is what makes Li Bai the most popular poet in Chinese history, and why his poems are the most widely memorized ones to this day. (For more details about Li Bai, please refer to Tang Poems volume 1.)

#02 -- 黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵   Seeing Meng Haoran off at Yellow Crane Tower

In the spring of 728 at age 27, Li Bai heard that Meng Haoran was going to take a trip to Yangzhou 杨州. Li Bai managed to travel to present-day Wuchang city in Hubei Province 武昌市, 湖北省 to meet with Meng for several days of adventure, after which they parted at the nearby Yellow Crane Tower. Li Bai wrote this famous poem describing the melancholic nature of his idol's departure.

The poem is filled with affection and paints a vision of a brilliant spring day pushed to the horizon by the endless and powerful Yangtze River. It is a vision and a force that also carries away the ardent heart of the poet as he watches his idol's lone boat vanish into the distant horizon.
Yangzhou (marked as number 1, view images) is located near the eastern terminus of the Yangtze River. Being prosperous, Yangzhou has always been famous for its dessert dim sum. The Yellow Crane Tower lies between Chongqing 重庆 and Yangzhou 扬州 by the Yangtze River:

(This map may be freely copied from www.mariesun.com for educational or noncommercial purposes of uses with a reference to "Marie Sun and Alex Sun" or at "MarieSun.com".) The map's outline is provided by Joowwww [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

calligraphy in zhuanshu/zhuanzi 篆书/篆字 style

Tang poems, poet Li Bai, Li Po 李白 故人西辞黄鹤楼 烟花三月下扬州 孤帆远影碧空尽 唯见长江天际流 书法
               English translation  at mariesun.com, ebook - The Beauty of Tang Poems and Chinese Calligraphy 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美

Tang poems, poet Li Bai, Li Po 李白 故人西辞黄鹤楼 烟花三月下扬州 孤帆远影碧空尽 唯见长江天际流 书法
               English translation  at mariesun.com, ebook - The Beauty of Tang Poems and Chinese Calligraphy 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美

#03 -- 清平调词之 一   Qingping Song

.       (Omitted here)
      The end of 25 Tang Poems (volume 1)


B. 25 Tang Poems (volume 2 )

唐诗英译,  篆字书法 孙罗玛琍 孙国强 (母与子) Tang Poems - English Translation, bilingual edition, zhuanzi calligraphy by Marie Sun and Alex Sun (mother and son) at MarieSun.com

Price: US $1.99 at US Amazon.com.

It covers from poem #26 to #50.

Note: * ---- available for viewing

.       (omitted here)
王 维   Wang Wei
#26 * 相思   Deep Yearning  
#27 九月九日忆山东兄弟   Homesick for My Brothers on September 9
#28 鹿柴   Deer Enclosure
#29 送別   Send Off
#30 渭城曲   Song of Weicheng

西鄙人 Xi Biren
#31 * 哥舒歌   Geshu Song

盧倫 Lu Lun
#32 塞下曲 (四首之二)   Borderland Song (#2 of 4) (Tiger in dark woods...)
#33 * 塞下曲 (四首之三)   Borderland Song (#3 of 4) (Chase in snow...)

白居易 Bai Juyi
#34 忆江南 (一)   Jiang Nan Nostalgia(1)
#35 * 草 (赋得古原草送别)  Grass

刘禹锡 Liu Yuxi
#36 * 乌衣巷   Black Clothes Alley

柳宗元 Liu Zongyuan
#37 江雪   River Snow

李绅 Li Shen
#38 * 悯农 (一)   Sympathy for Farmers (1)
#39 悯农 (二)   Sympathy for Farmers (2)

孟郊 Meng Jiao
#40 * 游子吟   Chant of the Itinerant Son

Jia Dao 贾岛
#41 寻隐者不遇   A Visit in Vain to the Recluse
#42 剑客   Swordsman

李益 Li Yi
#43 夜上受降城闻笛   Hearing a Flute at Night up on Shouxiang Beacon Tower
#44 江南曲   A Song of the Southern River

金昌绪 Jin Changxu
#45 春怨   A Spring Sign

杜秋娘 Du Qiuniang
#46 金缕衣   Golden Brocade Dresses

杜牧 Du Mu
#47   清明   Qing Ming
#48   * 泊秦淮   Mooring on the Qinhuai River

李商隐 Li Shangyin
#49   锦瑟   Jinse
#50   登乐游原   Ascending the Field of Diversions

王 维   Wang Wei (about the poet)

26 -- 相思   Deep Yearning (about the poem and calligraphy)

v2 #26 相思     王维


* Recitation 1  

  Recitation 2

Deep Yearning                 Wang Wei

The red beans grow in the southern lands;
Each spring their branches spread anew.
Please gather as much as you wish, my lord,
These incarnations of yearning love most true.

(Marie Sun & Alex Sun at www.MarieSun.com)

Notes *:

Recitation 1: Click it to listen to a recitation of the poem in Mandarin Chinese and to view a transliteration into pinyin.

#1: Change to other language.
#2: Convert to simplified Chinese characters.

Recitation 2: Click it to listen to recitation through other options.

v2 #31 哥舒歌           西鄙人


Recitation 1  

Recitation 2

>Geshu Song         Xi Biren

The Big Dipper dangling on high,
With sabre, Geshu patrols the night.
Till now, they've preyed upon pasture horses,
But, dare not cross Lingtao to fight.

(Marie Sun & Alex Sun at www.MarieSun.com)
v2 #33 塞下曲 (四首之三)       卢纶


* Recitation 1  

  Recitation 2

* correction: 单于夜遁逃, "单于" in here should be pronounced as chán yú.

Borderland Song (#3 of 4)         Lu Lun

A black, moonless sky, the wild geese fly high,
The chieftain of the Huns at night in flight.
Ready to dispatch a light cavalry to chase,
Heavy snow muffles the bow and broadsword's might.

(Marie Sun & Alex Sun at www.MarieSun.com)
v2 #35            白居易



Recitation 1

Recitation 2

Grass         Bai Juyi

Grasses spread over the vast prairie,
withering and returning each year.
Wildfires cannot wipe them out;
A gentle Spring breeze
And again they sprout.

Their far away fragrant verdure
Invades the ancient routes;
Under cloudless skies
Their green entwines ruins.
My dear friend,
I'm seeing you off again,
And even the lush foliages
Feel the parting pain.

(Marie Sun & Alex Sun at www.MarieSun.com)
v2 #36 乌衣巷           刘禹锡


Recitation 1  

Recitation 2

Black Clothes Alley       Liu Yuxi

Weeds and wildflowers spread by Vermilion Sparrow Bridge;
Setting sunlight slants down Black Clothes Alley's entrance.
Sparrows in olden days at courtyards of Wang and Xie mansions,
Now flitter into ordinary people's humble houses.

(Marie Sun & Alex Sun at www.MarieSun.com)
v2 #38 悯农 (一)          李绅


* Recitation 1

  Recitation 2

correction : 春种一粒粟, "种" in here should be pronounced as 种 zhòng (plant, sow seed) instead of 种 zhǒng .

Sympathize with Farmers (1)         Li Shen

A grain of millet sown in the spring,
Leads to a harvest bounty by the fall.
Under the sky, no idle fields lie,
Yet peasants succumb to starvation's pall.

(Marie Sun & Alex Sun at www.MarieSun.com)
v2 #40 游子吟     孟 郊

慈 母 手 中 线,
游 子 身 上 衣。
临 行 密 密 缝,
意 恐 迟 迟 归。
谁 言 寸 草 心,
报 得 三 春 晖。

Recitation 1

Recitation 2

Chant of the Itinerant Son     Meng Jiao

A loving mother with thread in hand,
Clothing draped over her traveling son,
Densely stitching till the very end,
With worries of a late and far off return.
How can the tender grass ever repay
The nurturing warmth of the spring sun?

(Marie Sun & Alex Sun at www.MarieSun.com)
v2 #48 泊秦淮        杜牧


Recitation 1

Recitation 2

Mooring on the Qinhuai River         Du Mu

Mist shrouds the icy water;
Moonlight shrouds the sand,
On Chinhuai I anchor at night,
A wine-house close at hand.
Courtesans oblivious to a defeated country's sorrow,
Across the river,
Still sing "Courtyard Flowers".

(Marie Sun & Alex Sun at www.MarieSun.com)

About the Poets, Poems and Calligraphy:

王 维   Wang Wei

Wang Wei (699 - 759; lived mostly in the High Tang period into the beginning of the Mid Tang period) was known as Mo Jie 摩诘 or the Poet-Buddha 诗佛. He was two years Li Bai's senior and 13 years Du Fu's junior.

Born into an aristocratic family, he was the eldest of five brothers. Wang Wei was not only a talented poet and painter, but also a famous musician, as well as calligrapher. While residing in Chang'an before taking the imperial examination (see Tang Poems volume 1), Wang's proficiency at poetry and his musical talent had helped him gain popularity at the imperial court. Indeed, his first appointment at the imperial court was as a Deputy Master of Music. However, none of his music compositions have survived.

He passed the imperial examination obtaining a jinshi degree title at the age of 22 with a first class award (Zhuangyuan 狀元), thus leading forthrightly and directly to civil service career. However, he didn't have a smooth career path.

Wang is especially known as a poet and painter of nature. It was said of him: "The poems hold a painting within them; within the painting there is poetry.” His poems were collected and compiled by his scholar brother, Wang Jin 王缙, under imperial court order. A total of some four-hundred of his poems and a few of his paintings have survived, all due to Wang Jin's efforts. Still, most of his works were lost during the An Lushan Rebellion.

He was 32 when his dear wife passed away, and he never remarried. Remaining celibate for the rest of his life and experiencing professional upheaval, he felt unsatisfied at times with his lot. Therefore, he entrusted his spiritual life to the study of Zen Buddhism 禅宗, seeking inner peace. He stated once, "How could I have released the lifetime of deep sorrows that I had incurred, had there not been Zen Buddhism?" 一生几许伤心事,不向空门何处销. In his will he donated many of his buildings and properties to the local, public zen organization.

Due to his affinity towards nature and his faithful adherence to Zen Buddhism (different from Buddhism), his poems (as well as his paintings) are filled with a feeling of tranquility, peacefulness, and aloofness from worldly affairs.

In China (and other parts of East Asia), Du Fu, Li Bai, and Wang Wei came to be regarded as representing Ruism/Confucianism 儒家, Taoism/Daoism 道家, and Zen Buddhism/Chan Buddhism 禅宗佛家 respectively, due to their different personal beliefs and outlooks on life.

#26 -- 相思   Deep Yearning  

The red bean, also known as the the mutual-love-bean, is the seed of the adenanthera pavonina and is shaped like a red human heart. The attractive abrus precatorius seeds are also called the mutual-love-beans by the Chinese, though they are shaped differently.

From this poem, one can perceive that Wang Wei was a very passionate and romantic person. Unfortunately, at age 32, his wife passed away and he never remarried. It seems that Wang Wei was not just affectionate, but also only had one heart to give!

calligraphy in zhuanshu/zhuanzi 篆书/篆字 style

Tang poet Wang Wei 王维 红豆生南国 春来发几枝 愿君多采撷 此物最相思 
              at mariesun.com, ebook - Tang Poems  唐诗

Tang poet Wang Wei 王维 红豆生南国 春来发几枝 愿君多采撷 此物最相思 
              at mariesun.com, ebook - The Beauty of Tang Poems and Chinese Calligraphy 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美

.       (omitted here)
. ------------------------- The End of 25 Tang Poems (2) -----------------------------

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Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition - Tang Poetry - 
			  唐代の詩 英語翻訳,
			  Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems!  
			  特朗普孙女(川普之孙女)喜爱吟诵唐诗. 春晓 - 孟浩然 - 春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟; 夜来风雨声,花落知多少。 英译,Tang Poem calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, shudo, shufa,
	  Tang poem calligraphy, 唐诗书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường - MarieSun.com 
			中国唐诗篆字书法, 篆书书法  - Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy
#01       D  

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition - 唐代の詩 英語翻訳 - Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems! 
 特朗普孙女(川普之孙女)喜爱吟诵唐诗. 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美   李白 - 故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。 英译,书法 at  MarieSun.com - 
 Chinese Tang Poems, Tang Poem calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, shudo, shufa,
	  Tang poem calligraphy, 唐诗书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường #02       D  

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition - 唐代の詩 英語翻訳 - Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems! 
 特朗普孙女(川普之孙女)喜爱吟诵唐诗. 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美  李白  清平调 云想衣裳花想容 春风拂槛露华浓 若非群玉山头见 会向瑶台月下逢, 英译 
 at  MarieSun.com - Chinese Tang Poems, Tang Poem calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, shudo, shufa,
	  Tang poem calligraphy, 唐诗书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường
#03       D  

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition - 唐代の詩 英語翻訳 - Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems!
	   特朗普孙女(川普之孙女)喜爱吟诵唐诗. Tang poem, Look Out Over Mount Lu Waterfall,   
		   poet Li Po,  English translation, Chinese calligraphy 李白 望庐山瀑布 ...飞流直下三千尺, 疑是银河落九天, 英译, 书法, 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美 
		   - Chinese Tang Poems, Tang Poem calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, shudo, shufa,
	  Tang poem calligraphy, 唐诗书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường at  MarieSun.com
#04      D  

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition - Tang Poem calligraphy -  唐代の詩 英語翻訳 -  Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems! 
 特朗普孙女(川普之孙女)喜爱吟诵唐诗. 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美  静夜思 - 李白 - 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡。英译,书法 at  MarieSun.com - 
 Chinese Tang Poems, Tang Poem calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, shudo, shufa,
	  Tang poem calligraphy, 唐诗书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường
#06       D  
Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition - Tang Poem calligraphy - Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems! 
  唐代の詩 英語翻訳 - 
 特朗普孙女(川普之孙女)喜爱吟诵唐诗. 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美 
 早发白帝城 李白 朝辞白帝彩云间,千里江陵一日还; 两岸猿声啼不尽,轻舟已过万重山。 英译,书法 at  MarieSun.com - Chinese Tang Poems, Tang Poem calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, shudo, shufa,
	  Tang poem calligraphy, 唐诗书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường #08       D  
Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition - Tang Poem calligraphy - 
	   唐代の詩 英語翻訳 - 
	  Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems! 
 特朗普孙女(川普之孙女)喜爱吟诵唐诗. 旅夜书怀 - 杜甫 - 细草微风岸,危樯独夜舟。星垂平野阔,月涌大江流。
飘飘何所似?天地一沙鸥。英译,书法 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美 Chinese Tang Poems, Tang Poem calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, shudo, shufa,
	  Tang poem calligraphy, 唐诗书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường></a> 
       <A href=
#017       D  
Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition - Tang Poem calligraphy -  Tang Poem calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy,  唐代の詩 英語翻訳 - ,shudo, shufa,
	  Tang poem calligraphy, 唐诗书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường, Tang Poems - Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems! 
 特朗普孙女(川普之孙女)喜爱吟诵唐诗. 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美 回乡偶书 - 贺知章 - 少小离家老大回,乡音无改鬓毛催。儿童相见不相识,笑问客从何处来?英译,书法 
  Chinese Tang Poems
#019       D  

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition - Tang Poem calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, shudo, shufa,
	  Tang poem calligraphy, 唐诗书法,  唐代の詩 英語翻訳, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường,
	  Tang Poems - Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems! 
 特朗普孙女(川普之孙女)喜爱吟诵唐诗. 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美 出塞 - 王翰 - 葡萄美酒夜光杯,欲饮琵琶马上催。醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回?英译,书法
at  MarieSun.com - Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy
#20       D  

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition -  calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy,  唐代の詩 英語翻訳, shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 唐诗书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường - Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems! 
 特朗普孙女(川普之孙女)喜爱吟诵唐诗. 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美 出塞 - 王昌龄 - 秦时明月汉时关,万里长征人未还。但使龙城飞将在,不教胡马度阴山。英译,书法 at  MarieSun.com - 
 Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy
#21       D  

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition -  唐代の詩 英語翻訳 -  당나라시, Bài thơ Đường, Tang Poems calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, shudo, shufa,
	  Tang poem calligraphy, 唐诗书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法,, Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems! 
 特朗普孙女(川普之孙女)喜爱吟诵唐诗. 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美 枫桥夜泊 - 张继 - 月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠。姑苏城外寒山寺,夜半钟声到客船。英译,书法
  at  MarieSun.com - Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy
#25       D  

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition - calligraphy - 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường, 
	   唐代の詩 英語翻訳 - 
	  Tang Poems - Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems! 
 特朗普孙女(川普之孙女)喜爱吟诵唐诗. 登鹳雀楼 王之涣 白日依山尽,黄河入海流; 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。
 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美 - Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy
#23       D  

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition - Tang Poem calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy,  唐代の詩 英語翻訳,  shudo, shufa,
	  Tang poem calligraphy, 唐诗书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường, Tang Poems - Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems! 
 特朗普孙女(川普之孙女)喜爱吟诵唐诗. 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美 Tang poet Wang Wei 王维 红豆生南国 春来发几枝 愿君多采撷 此物最相思译,书法
at  MarieSun.com - Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy
#26       D  

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition -  calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy,  唐代の詩 英語翻訳, shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 唐诗书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường - Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems! 
 特朗普孙女(川普之孙女)喜爱吟诵唐诗. 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美  王维 鹿柴 空山不见人 但闻人语响 返景入深林 复照青苔上。英译,书法 at  MarieSun.com - 
 Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy
#28      D  

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition -  唐代の詩 英語翻訳,  당나라시, Bài thơ Đường, Tang Poems calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, shudo, shufa,
	  Tang poem calligraphy, 唐诗书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法,, Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems! 
 特朗普孙女(川普之孙女)喜爱吟诵唐诗. 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美		    poet Xi Biren 西鄙人 哥舒歌 北斗七星高 哥舒夜带刀 至今窥牧马 不敢过临洮  。英译,书法
  at  MarieSun.com - Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy
#31      D  

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition - calligraphy -  唐代の詩 英語翻訳,  당나라시, Bài thơ Đường, Tang Poems - Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems! 
 特朗普孙女(川普之孙女)喜爱吟诵唐诗.Tang poet Liu Zongyuan 柳宗元 江雪 千山鸟飞绝 万径人踪灭 孤舟蓑笠翁 独钓寒江雪.
 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美 - Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy
#37      D  

Tang Poems - English translation - Tang Poem calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy,  唐代の詩 英語翻訳, shudo, shufa,
	  Tang poem calligraphy, 唐诗书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường,
     唐诗与中国篆字书法之美 Tang poet Li Shen 李绅  悯农之一 春种一粒粟 秋收万颗子 四海无闲田 农夫犹饿死. 英译,书法
     at  MarieSun.com - Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy
#38      D  

Tang poems English Translation, 
			       by Marie Sun and Alex Sun -   published by Amazon.com  mariesun.com, 
				   Meng Jiao 孟郊 - 游子吟 慈母手中线 游子身上衣 临行密密缝 意恐迟迟归 誰言寸草心,報得三春暉。
                   英译唐诗, 中英对照双语版, 唐代の詩 英語翻訳
#43      D  

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition -   唐代の詩 英語翻訳, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường, Tang Poems calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, shudo, shufa,
	  Tang poem calligraphy, 唐诗书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法,, Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems! 
 特朗普孙女(川普之孙女)喜爱吟诵唐诗. 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美 枫桥夜泊 - 张继 - 月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠。姑苏城外寒山寺,夜半钟声到客船。英译,书法
  at  MarieSun.com - Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy
#43    ---   D  

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition - calligraphy -  唐代の詩 英語翻訳, 
	       Tang poet Du Mu 杜牧 清明  清明时节雨纷纷 路上行人欲断魂 借问酒家何处有 牧童遥指杏花村
 	       당나라시, Bài thơ Đường, Tang Poems - Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems! 
           唐诗与中国篆字书法之美 - Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy
#47      D  

      Zhuanshu Style 篆书:

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition -  Tang Poetry, Tang Poems, calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, 
			   唐代の詩 英語翻訳, shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường, - Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems!  
			  特朗普孙女(川普之孙女)喜爱吟诵唐诗. 春晓 - 孟浩然 - 春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟; 夜来风雨声,花落知多少。 英译,书法 at  MarieSun.com 
			  - Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition -  calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy,  唐代の詩 英語翻訳, shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường, Tang Poems - Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems! 
 特朗普孙女(川普之孙女)喜爱吟诵唐诗. 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美  李白  清平调 云想衣裳花想容 春风拂槛露华浓 若非群玉山头见 会向瑶台月下逢, 英译 
 at  MarieSun.com - Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition - calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường - Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems! 
 特朗普孙女(川普之孙女)喜爱吟诵唐诗. 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美  静夜思 - 李白 - 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡。英译,书法 at  MarieSun.com - 
 Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy  唐代の詩 英語翻訳,

 Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition - calligraphy -  李白 早发白帝城 朝辞白帝彩云间 千里江陵一日还 两岸猿声啼不尽  轻舟已过万重山 - 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美, Tang Poems, calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường
Tang Poems English translation by Marie Sun and Alex Sun (mother and son)  -  唐代の詩 英語翻訳,  The Beauty of Tang Poems and Chinese Calligraphy. 
  Arabella Trump recited Tang poem 'Setting Out Early from Baidicheng' written by Li Bai.  Arabella also sang Chinese songs and recited Sanjzijing 三字经.
特朗普外孙女:阿拉贝拉 会背诵 唐诗 - 早發白帝城. view Tang Poems at MarieSun.com

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition - calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy,  唐代の詩 英語翻訳,  shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường, Tang Poems - Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems! 
 特朗普孙女(川普之孙女)喜爱吟诵唐诗. 旅夜书怀 - 杜甫 - 细草微风岸,危樯独夜舟。星垂平野阔,月涌大江流。
飘飘何所似?天地一沙鸥。英译,书法 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美 Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition -  calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, 唐代の詩 英語翻訳,  shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường, Tang Poems - Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems! 
 特朗普孙女(川普之孙女)喜爱吟诵唐诗. 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美 回乡偶书 - 贺知章 - 少小离家老大回,乡音无改鬓毛催。儿童相见不相识,笑问客从何处来?英译,书法 
  Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition -  calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, 唐代の詩 英語翻訳,  shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường, Tang Poems - Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems! 
 特朗普孙女(川普之孙女)喜爱吟诵唐诗. 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美 出塞 - 王翰 - 葡萄美酒夜光杯,欲饮琵琶马上催。醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回?英译,书法
at  MarieSun.com - Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition -  calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy,  唐代の詩 英語翻訳, shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường,
	  Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems! 
 特朗普孙女(川普之孙女)喜爱吟诵唐诗. 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美 出塞 - 王昌龄 - 秦时明月汉时关,万里长征人未还。但使龙城飞将在,不教胡马度阴山。英译,书法 at  MarieSun.com - 
 Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition - calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy,  唐代の詩 英語翻訳, shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường, Tang Poems - Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems! 
 特朗普孙女(川普之孙女)喜爱吟诵唐诗. 登鹳雀楼 王之涣 白日依山尽,黄河入海流; 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。
 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美 - Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy

Tang Poems,Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition -  Tang Poems calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, 唐代の詩 英語翻訳,  shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường,
          唐诗与中国篆字书法之美 枫桥夜泊 - 张继 - 月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠。姑苏城外寒山寺,夜半钟声到客船。英译,书法.
		  Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems! 
          Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy at  MarieSun.com

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition - calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy,  唐代の詩 英語翻訳, shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường, Tang Poems - 
 特朗普孙女(川普之孙女)喜爱吟诵唐诗. Tang poems, poet Li Bai, Li Po 李白 故人西辞黄鹤楼 烟花三月下扬州 孤帆远影碧空尽 唯见长江天际流
 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美 - Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy

Tangshi, Tang poem, Look Out Over Mount Lu Waterfall,   
		   poet Li Po, Tang poems English   
translation, calligraphy at mariesun.com,   
The Beauty of Tang Poems and Chinese Calligraphy, 唐代の詩 英語翻訳, 
 李白 望庐山瀑布 ...飞流直下三千尺, 疑是银河落九天, 英译, 书法, 

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition - calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy,
	   Tang poet Wang Wei 王维 红豆生南国 春来发几枝 愿君多采撷 此物最相思, 唐代の詩 英語翻訳,  
       at mariesun.com, ebook - Tang Poems,   
	   shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường, Tang Poems - Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems! 
       英译,书法 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美 Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition -  calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, 唐代の詩 英語翻訳,  shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường,
	   Tang Poems - Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems! 
 特朗普孙女(川普之孙女)喜爱吟诵唐诗. 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美 王维 鹿柴 空山不见人 但闻人语响 返景入深林 复照青苔上.
  Chinese Tang Poems

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition -  calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, 唐代の詩 英語翻訳, ,shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường,
          poet Xi Biren 		   西鄙人 哥舒歌 北斗七星高 哥舒夜带刀 至今窥牧马 不敢过临洮. 英译,书法
         at  MarieSun.com - Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition -  calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, 唐代の詩 英語翻訳,  shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường,
      柳宗元 江雪 千山鸟飞绝 万径人踪灭 孤舟蓑笠翁 独钓寒江雪 
      at mariesun.com, ebook - Tang Poems  at  MarieSun.com   唐诗与中国篆字书法之美 -

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition - calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, 唐代の詩 英語翻訳, shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường, Tang Poems - Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems! 
           Tang poet Li Shen 李绅  悯农之一 春种一粒粟 秋收万颗子 四海无闲田 农夫犹饿死.
           translated to English at mariesun.com, ebook -  Tang Poems 。英译,书法 
		   唐诗与中国篆字书法之美 Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy

Tangshi, Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition -  calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường, 
           Tang poet Meng Jiao 孟郊  游子吟 慈母手中线 游子身上衣 临行密密缝 意恐迟迟归 誰言寸草心,報得三春暉。
           Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition -  calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, 唐代の詩 英語翻訳, shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường, 
           Tang poet Li Yi 李益 夜上受降城闻笛 回乐烽前沙似雪 受降城外月如霜 不知何处吹芦管 一夜征人尽望乡 
	       at  MarieSun.com - Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition -  calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, 唐代の詩 英語翻訳, shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường,
           Tang poet Du Mu 杜牧 清明  清明时节雨纷纷 路上行人欲断魂 借问酒家何处有 牧童遥指杏花村 英译,书法 at  MarieSun.com

      Xinghu Style 行书:

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition -  calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường, Tang Poems - Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems! 
 唐诗书法 春晓 孟浩然
  Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy

Tang Poems, English translation - bilingual edition - calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, 唐代の詩 英語翻訳,  shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường, Tang Poems - Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems! 
   Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition - Tang Poem calligraphy - zhuanshu calligraphy, 唐代の詩 英語翻訳, shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường, Tang Poems - Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems! 
 特朗普孙女(川普之孙女)喜爱吟诵唐诗. 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美 出塞 - 王翰 - 葡萄美酒夜光杯,欲饮琵琶马上催。醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回?英译,书法
at  MarieSun.com - Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition -  calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, 唐代の詩 英語翻訳, shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường,
	  Trump's granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, wins over Chinese hearts again by reciting Chinese Tang poems! 
 特朗普孙女(川普之孙女)喜爱吟诵唐诗. 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美 出塞 - 王昌龄 - 秦时明月汉时关,万里长征人未还。但使龙城飞将在,不教胡马度阴山。英译,书法 at  MarieSun.com - 
 Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition - calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, 唐代の詩 英語翻訳, shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường, Tang Poems 
           唐诗书法 月下独酌   李白  花間一壺酒,独酌無相親;舉杯邀明月,對影成三人。

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition - calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, 唐代の詩 英語翻訳, shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시,
	   Bài thơ Đường, Tang Poems - 石壕吏  杜甫 暮投石壕村,有吏夜捉人。 老翁逾牆走,老婦出門迎。

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition - calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, 唐代の詩 英語翻訳,  shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시
	  , Bài thơ Đường, 
 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美 回乡偶书 - 贺知章 - 少小离家老大回,乡音无改鬓毛催。儿童相见不相识,笑问客从何处来?英译,书法 
 at  MarieSun.com - Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition - calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, 唐代の詩 英語翻訳, shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường,
     唐诗与中国篆字书法之美 黃鶴樓  崔顥 昔人已乘黃鶴去,此地空余黃鶴樓。 黃鶴一去不複返,白雲千載空悠悠。

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition - calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường, 
           poet Wang Wei 王維 送別 山中相送罢 日暮掩柴扉 春草明年绿 王孙归不归 
          英译,书法 唐诗与中国篆字书法之美 Chinese Tang Poems and zhuanshu calligraphy

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition -  calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường, 
           Tang poet Li Shen 李绅  悯农之二 锄禾日当午 汗滴禾下土 谁知盘中餐 粒粒皆 at mariesun.com,

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition -  calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, shudo, shufa, Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường, 
            Tang poet Jia Dau 贾岛 寻隐者不遇 松下问童子 言师采药去 只在此山中 云深不知处 at  MarieSun.com

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition -  calligraphy, zhuanshu calligraphy, shudo, shufa, 
	  Tang poem calligraphy, 书法, Kanji 書道, Hanja 書藝, Chữ Hán 書法, Tang Poems, 당나라시, Bài thơ Đường,
	  Tang poet Du Qiuniang 杜秋娘 劝君莫惜金缕衣 劝君惜取少年时 花开堪折直须折 莫待无花空折枝


Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition - marieSun.com - Tang map with key locations. 唐代の詩 英語翻訳

key Locations

Tang Poems - English translation - bilingual edition, 
	  Tang map - An Lushan rebels took to invade Tong Pass, Chang'an. 唐代の詩 英語翻訳

The An Lushan Invasion of Chang'an
(The map's outline is retrieved from Joowwww [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.)


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